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Allison Fox - A holistic medical doctor who is part coach, part health professional, and just a super cool person! She changed my life by teaching me how to eat to clean my body of heavy metals .

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Caroline Radice

Caroline Radice

Licensed & Board Certified Acupuncture - my go-to for health, injuries, tightness, and peace of mind. For 110 bucks, it's well worth it.

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Diane Rose - Healing

Diane Rose - Healing

For the past 25 years, Diane Rose has been a practitioner of multi-dimensional healing and a respected voice in intuitive awareness.

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Dr. Michael Soya - Physical Therapy

Dr. Michael Soya - Physical Therapy

Strong recommendation for Dr. Soya here. He is one of our own as he practices BJJ with us at our school. If you're looking to recover fully from an injury or just want to get stronger for BJJ, Mike is an incredible source of knowledge. Hit him up and learn while you get stronger.

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Heather Sheridan - Revel Yoga

Heather Sheridan - Revel Yoga

Okay I am a bit impartial here but regardless. My wife Heather is an amazing Yoga teacher and healer. She knows the body and which postures to have you learn and practice on your own or with her to open up your back, strenghthen your knees, or how to better use your breath to last longer in BJJ. I truly believe if you want to stay in the BJJ game and be competitive as you get older, yoga needs to be in the mix.

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